We request parents to read the following rules and regulations carefully and abide by them
- Child should be dropped between 9.00 am to 9.30 am. Sharp and picked between 12 noon to 12.30 am. (Fridays 11.30 am to 12 noon.)
- Late comers will not be allowed inside as the gates will be locked at 9.30 am sharp.
- Teacher should be informed if a new person is to pick up the child. In case the parent or the regular person can not pick up the child a letter written by the parentshould be sent through the bearer who comes to take the child.
- Change in address and phone no. should be in formed immediately at the office.
- Fees should be paid by the 5th of every term.
- Late payments will be fined with Rs
- A child suffering from infections diseases like Mumps, Flu, Allergic rashes etc, should not be sent to school.
- In case a child is absent for more then a day, a leave letter should be sent to the class teacher.
- Children should come in loose, comfortable cloths, preferably which they can remove themselves when they go to toilet.
- See that the child comes smartly dressed, hair combed neatly, a hanky pinned to their dress and with shoe and socks.
- Child should carry a plastic basket, with plastic snack box spoon, water bottle and a napkin. All these items should be labeled.
- Do not send the child stuffed with bubblegum, lollipop or sweets.
- Do not send the child any gold jewellery. School is not responsible for the loss of the same.
- Do not send any stainless steel items in the snack basket. Glass bottles not allowed.
- No books or toys should be brought from home.
- See that the child attends to natures call in the morning before coming to school. Make it a habit now itself. The school will not be responsible for cleaning up the child if she/he makes it a practice to dirty.
- Do not send the child to school if he/she is sick. A sick child needs more rest.
- If the child has left any of his/her belongings in school, kindly come for it the next day itself.
- Kindly return the toys or any other things if the child has brought it home by mistake.
- Kindly co-operate and help us in understanding and helping your child grow.